La lista negra: Blacklist (Spanish edition)

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En este segundo libro de suspenso de la autora #1 del New York Times Alyson Nol, Layla, Aster y Tommy tienen que desenterrar los secretos de la chica ms popular de Hollywood Madison Brooks antes de que uno de ellos sea acusado de su desaparicin y asesinato.

Todo el mundo necesita un poco de suerte Layla Harrison finalmente ha encontrado la fama que andaba buscando.

El nombre de Aster Amirpour est en todos los tabloides, aunque ese no es el tipo de publicidad que ella esperaba. Tommy Phillips est muy lejos de encontrar a la chica de sus sueos, lo que puede ser ms difcil que tener pase VIP en el club Unrivaled. Layla, Aster y Tommy nunca imaginaron que pudiera ser por la desaparicin de Madison Brooks, una historia que ha asombrado al mundo.

Layla est recibiendo misteriosos mensajes. El inminente juicio por asesinato de Aster ha adquirido tales dimensiones que ni siquiera el abogado de sus padres puede hacer nada por ella. Tommy est siguiendo los pasos de la ltima persona que vio viva a Madison. Se puede buscar entre la basura de los famosos que los tabloides ocultan, pero cuando Layla, Aster y Tommy estn a punto de desenterrar la verdad, descubrirn que hay secretos que es mejor dejar bien enterrados. Blacklist es un libro sobre el amor, la muerte y las mentiras

In this second book of suspense from #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Nol, Layla, Aster and Tommy have to unearth Hollywood it-girl Madison Brooks secrets before one of them takes the fall for her disappearance and murder.

Layla Harrison has finally found herself in the middle of a celebrity story worth reporting. Aster Amirpours name is in every tabloideven if it isnt thegoodkind of publicity she hoped for. Tommy Phillips is inches away from getting the girl of his dreams, which may be harder than scoring a VIP ticket to an Unrivaled nightclub. But Layla, Aster and Tommy never imagined it would be because theyre entangled in the disappearance of Madison Brooksa story thats blinded the world like a starlet blinded by the flash of a paparazzi camera. Now, Layla is receiving mysterious messages from an anonymous source, Asters looming murder trial is so huge even her parents lawyer cant save her, Tommy is retracing his steps as the last person Madison saw alive, and Laylas ex Mateo finds himself lured into the fold. You can dig up dirt about celebrities that the tabloids miss if you search long enough. But when Layla, Aster, and Tommy team up with an unsuspecting insider to unearth the truth, theyll find that some secrets are best kept in the grave. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program.