DrFormulas Nexabiotic 23 Probiotics For Women and Men with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Saccharomyces Boulardii, 30 Count

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Revolutionary Delayed Release Capsules: Unlike unprotected capsules and regular pearls, Nexabiotic has Revolutionary Delayed Released Capsules to ensure that the good bacteria are populating your gut for regular bowl movements and overall health.
Doctor Recommended: Features Probiotics such as B infantis and Saccharomyces boulardii in addition to 21 other strains that have been researched and recommended by top doctors and gastroenterologists everywhere
Advanced Lyophilization Technology: Less hassle, No Refrigeration necessary: Advanced Flash freeze drying technology and prebiotic incorporation keeps Nexabiotic alive and healthy even under the toughest temperatures and environments.
Manufactured under the National Sanitation Foundation guidelines for quality assurance. Your safety is our priority.
Only the best ingredients. Customers reported excellent results using Nexabiotic when they had diarrhea, constipation, C. Diff, IBS, IBD. Nexabiotic is kid and infant friendly! Okay for breast feeding moms and to take apart for those who can't swallow capsules. Recommended by Cosmo Magazine!


Why do we need probiotics? Typical modern diets are too sterile and not diverse enough to maintain optimal probiotic levels. Our food supply is now more processed, sterilized, and loaded with more antibiotics than ever before. What are probiotics? In the normal human gut there are over 100 trillion bacteria. As you get older, get stressed, or take antibiotics those normal good-guy bacteria die off. These probiotics do everything from helping to break down food, providing essential nutrients like vitamin K, and keeping the competing bad bacteria at bay. Probiotics supplement the gastrointestinal tract with those known, good, beneficial organisms. Probiotic supplements are one of the most popular health supplements because they actually work to help maintain digestive health. Why Nexabiotic? Nexabiotic has been formulated to cover all bases in terms of probiotics. Nexabiotic provides your digestive tract 23 different kinds of probiotics at a substantial dose (34.5 billion CFUs) which helps restore digestive balance. Not only that but Nexabiotic capsules are also specially engineered so that its high-quality probiotics survive the harsh stomach acid and make it into the gut where they need to be.

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